Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Autographer Camera

Wow! That is all I can say about the potential of this camera in the world of the paranormal. The Autographer is the all-in-one camera for investigators. This camera has five built in sensors that when active will trigger the camera to take a picture. The triggers include location, motion, color, light, and temperature. It's unclear if you can preset the triggers or not but it snaps photo's at 5mp and has 8 gig on-board storage!

I will be honest with you. If this camera has the capabilities that is being talked about this could be a game changer for the world of the paranormal. Just think, you could have a room with an ambient temperature of 71 degrees, you set it to shoot pictures, say under 50 degrees and over 90 degrees, it could potentially start snapping shots of those cold spots or hot spots in a room! The possibilities for this camera are endless!

The OMG Pic company is looking at a November release for this product in the UK. No word yet when It may be available in the States. There are a few websites talking about this from a non-paranormal stand including Discovery News and Engadget.

Price: $650 on release. Expect it to go down after a few months.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HTO Detection System

Trigger objects have become more and more a norm for the paranormal community but when a trigger object is used to get a response from an entity you would have to put a camera on the object to be able to tell if it has been moved. What if the entity doesn't move it but still plays with it? That's where the Haunted Trigger Object Detection System comes in. All you need to do is use the alligator clip and attach it to an object that is metal (toy train, jacks, etc.). It works off of static electricity and is fairly sensitive. The gang at Vortex Ghost Gear created this item which comes in different colors. Make sure to check out there website and watch the demo of this item.

Price: $135 plus shipping

Friday, September 14, 2012

Electric Charge Detector

Ever had the hair on your neck stand up at an investigation? Ever wondered if there was a piece of equipment that measures that? Well wonder no more, the Electric Charge Detector is an electronic version of a electroscope which can measure voltage. The detector responds to the movement of positive and negative electrical charges. When a negative charge moves towards the detector the LED will turn off and then turn back on when the charge moves away. When a positive charge moves towards the detector the LED brightens and then will turn off when it moves away.

On the developers website they discuss how this detector was able to pick up the static charge of a plastic bag 10 feet away from the detector!

Price: Expect this item to be in the $60 range and will be available for purchase in just a few weeks. My group (Paranormal Task Force) received one from P.O.S.T to test run.  We have an investigation coming up this weekend and will be using it at that time so we will let you know if we have any luck with it.

To find out more information you can check out there website.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thermal Sense Resuable Pad

Forget the baby powder, here's the new way to get visual evidence of the paranormal. This is a multi degree ghost pad. The Pad will be purple at temperatures below 57 degrees then turning red/pink at temperatures between 57 to 87 degrees. Above 87 degrees and the pad will turn white. Great news about this is that the pad is large (12x18) and cheap! This product is on Amazon right now and can be used right out of the box. Easy to clean too, soap and water will take care of it.

Price: $27.00

Monday, September 10, 2012

Paranormal Ion Generator


The use of Ion generating machines have become more and more popular in paranormal communities as a sort of way to "juice" up potential entities at a location. If you are not familiar with the possible association between Ion's and the paranormal here is a little snip-it from a book that I am currently working on about ghost weather:
"Any time that water is displaced it releases negative hydrogen ions into the atmosphere. An ion is simple just and atom or a subatomic particle that has a net electrical charge. Displacement of this atom during such things like waves in the water, water crashing on a beach, waterfalls or even evaporation of water will take that atom and turn it into a negative hydrogen ion. The electrical charge that is created during this displacement could theoretically be used by an entity. If an entity can use this energy, which is becoming widely believed by the paranormal community, this becomes a potentially huge benefit for investigators."
Another example of the affects of Ions can be seen in the shower, yep, the shower! Research has shown that people are happier when they are taking a shower. Why? Moving water creates negative ions that our body absorbs. It creates (for lack of better words) an upper for our body! That's why people like singing in the shower. 

Negative Ion Generators are widely available (even at Walmart) and can be used in normal everyday use in your home. There are special paranormal related ion generators that are available for purchase like this one on Ebay.

A word of caution with the use of this product. Although these products say the produce Ion's it may be in your best interest to also purchase an ion detector for your arsenal. This will insure that the product you purchased actually produces ions and it can also be used to detect pre-existing ions in your location.

Price: Varies. Non-paranormal equipment can be as low as $20. Generators specifically made for paranormal application typically range in the $250 range.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Body Voltage Announcer


Here is something a little bit different, the Body Voltage Announcer uses your own body voltage to produce unique sounds. This item could be used as an experimental way to see if a spirit can manipulate your bodies electrical voltage to make sounds and maybe words. This item is available at Less EMF under the "unique" section, maybe rightfully so.

Price: $29.99

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Flashlight DVR

Swann SW244-TDV FlashlightDVR Compact Digital Video Recorder 

Here is something that goes into the "What will they think of next" category. The Flashlight DVR is a flashlight with a built in video recorder! Now in doing some research on this product there is actually quite a few different models that you can choose from but for most of us budget minded investigators you can get it with MP4 recording quality that will actually record in night vision up to 13 feet. The model like the one on this page near the bottom, you can slip a 2GB memory card into these which will record up to 2 hours of video and audio. 


 I also has an easy to read screen that will show you everything that you normal see on a camera. You also have the capability of just shooting a single image and time stamping you video. 

Colored video recording, snapshot capability, night vision, oh and its a flashlight! Pretty good combination for a Ghost Hunter.

You can read more about this neat gadget here.

Price: $89.99 seems to be the norm. Can be found on Amazon as well.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Yes / No Ghost Analyzer


Have you ever wondered if the use of a flashlight is really an entity interacting with you? Or what if you forgot how many flashes of light means a yes and how many means a no? Well the answer to both of those questions is with this new piece of equipment. The Yes/No Ghost Analyzer takes the guess work out of what an entity may be trying to say. It sensitive enough that just the slightest amount of pressure will light the button up. No audio with this, the light is the only thing that will notify you that it has been touched.

The design may remind you of something out of one of the Ghostbusters movies but this is one of those pieces of equipment that will definitely take the guess work and the skepticism out of your investigation.

Price: $80 but have found it for less on Ebay and Amazon.