Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Autographer Camera

Wow! That is all I can say about the potential of this camera in the world of the paranormal. The Autographer is the all-in-one camera for investigators. This camera has five built in sensors that when active will trigger the camera to take a picture. The triggers include location, motion, color, light, and temperature. It's unclear if you can preset the triggers or not but it snaps photo's at 5mp and has 8 gig on-board storage!

I will be honest with you. If this camera has the capabilities that is being talked about this could be a game changer for the world of the paranormal. Just think, you could have a room with an ambient temperature of 71 degrees, you set it to shoot pictures, say under 50 degrees and over 90 degrees, it could potentially start snapping shots of those cold spots or hot spots in a room! The possibilities for this camera are endless!

The OMG Pic company is looking at a November release for this product in the UK. No word yet when It may be available in the States. There are a few websites talking about this from a non-paranormal stand including Discovery News and Engadget.

Price: $650 on release. Expect it to go down after a few months.

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